23 May 2024




Application number and Division







Public Comment











Officer note
































Objection (Summarised): Does not agree with the report and feels that report contradicts consultee responses.

Response: Planning recommendations are reached through the balancing of varying policy considerations and material planning issues. The Environmental Health team response has been taken into account and their suggested condition has been added to/amended in order to effectively seek to minimise the potential amenity impact of the proposal. Public and consultee comments have been taken into account to inform the assessment and recommendation process and the proposed conditions.


Condition 13 (Existing Planting) is recommended to be amended to include “All trees and hedgerows must be maintained at a height no less than 2m on the northern, eastern and southern site boundaries and 2.5m on the western site boundary.” It is proposed that this requirement be added to the end of the condition.


Condition 13 also requires the replacement of any existing trees or hedgerows should they fail or become seriously diseased within five years of the permission.


Views from the nearby PROW have been assessed and it was found that, whilst visible, the site is seen within the built context of both Newlyn and Easingwold itself. Further, features such as the nearby pylons prevent the scene from being overwhelmingly bucolic when viewed in the context of the settlement and it is considered that the proposed planting would adequately address the potential for landscape impact. The view from the wider countryside into the site is consistent with an edge of settlement location and there would be very limited harm to the rural landscape as a result, with that harm being managed through condition.


- Condition 4 (Land Levels) addresses land levels and requests further details relating to proposed levels prior to development taking place. There is a clear need for levels to be altered within the site, due to the unevenness of the proposed area and it is not anticipated that the intervention will result in a harmful landscape impact due to the retention of planting, the proposed robust landscaping conditions and the proposed land levels not exceeding the highest existing site levels.


- Condition 9 (Site Management) is recommended to be amended to include “2. Detail and contact details (including primary or business address, telephone numbers and email) of who will be responsible for the management of the site to ensure any amenity issues on site are dealt with promptly.” This will ensure that sufficient detail as to who is responsible for the site is gained through the explicit requirement for its submission in order to discharge the condition.